So I started my onsite contract gig with Sony Online yesterday. I know what you're thinking, it's the same thing I've been thinking. Who cares? reality what I've been thinking is, how bad will this impact my schedule?
Suffice it to say, pretty bad.I'm going from producing about a page to two pages of color a day to a page every two days. I'm not about to compromise the project, and I don't want to compromise the release of this book. My goal has always been to have all five books done before we solicit Book One. At the very this rate, I'd have four of the five done...or so I strongly believe.

Now I can't really say for sure, but we are planning on soliciting Book One around October. Meaning it'll be in Previews to order and will be in your shops for December. Again the goal being to get it out before 2008 and to have the story start the same month it takes place in the future. With that in mind the pressure is really on. So how do I manage it?

I don't live much. Meaning, the only time I get to relax or chill is when I'm sleeping or two nights per week where I hang out with my wife and watch a couple of films. Other than hitting the gym frequently I'm at the board or computer knocking this stuff out. With this new opportunity at Sony, I'll be working on what I can during lunch, mostly prep work for the last two books, and the marketing materials. Which in the end could really help me quite a bit. As it's hard to break from the work on the books to do the work outside the books that is also important.
It's all about balance.
Art-wise I'm quite out of balance. I need to get back to my regimen of drawing and painting from life. Soon I keep telling myself. Very soon.

You be wondering what the art in this installment is? Well, it's early development work and tests to figure out how I was going to color the book and execute the blackline. Every story demands to be told the best way possible. Not everything deserves the same approach.
BTW, if you haven't read Scott's latest blog entry, it's really worth it. If you're the least bit interested in Evolution this focuses on the creative evolution as well as the maturing of two creatives. It amazes me we had the foresight to keep all this stuff. Can't wait to see what other surprises we unearth.
Stay tuned!